Implants and Prosthetic Dentistry It involves maintaining and repairing damaged or lost teeth to make them functional and aesthetically pleasing. It covers a range of denture services, including detachable dentures. Dentures that are fixed Including fixing broken dentures

Dental implants, which replace natural tooth roots, are also included in this category of services. to provide support for fixed dentures, bridges, or crowns. aids in teeth's optimal function and natural appearance.

This category of treatments aids in the restoration of oral health. Boost your self-confidence when smiling and enhance service users' quality of life. It is appropriate for people who require professional care because they have lost teeth or have chewing issues.

The following is a list of services and their prices:

Dismantling old implants

5,000 baht / piece

Swiss Straumann Implants ( ITI )

70,000 bath

Swedish implants (Astra tech)

65,000 bath

Dental implants (Zimmer)

55,000 bath

Flexible plastic base (Valplast)

Base 8,000 + teeth 500 / tooth

Bone Graft

7,000 – 10,000 baht

Sinus Lift (including bone costs)

25,000 – 30,000 baht

Dental implants (Neodent)

45,000 baht

Reinforce the base ( Reline , rebase )

2,000 baht / tooth

fill hook

1,000 baht /teeth

Broken denture

1,200 baht /teeth

denture filling

First tooth 1,000 baht + tooth 500 baht / tooth

Fixed dentures – abutments

4,000 baht / tooth

Fixed dentures – crowns

10,000 baht – 25,000 baht / tooth

Removable dentures – metal base

Base 10,000 baht + teeth 500 baht / tooth

Removable dentures – Valplast base

Base 8,000 baht + teeth 500 baht / tooth

Removable dentures – plastic base

Base 5,000 baht + teeth 500 baht / tooth

full dentures

12,000 baht / piece