Basic oral health care, treating and managing problems with teeth and gums, and repairing teeth harmed by diseases like cavities or infections are the main goals of general dentistry and restorative dental services. In order to avoid future dental issues, these services include root canal therapy, tooth extractions, fillings, and general oral health maintenance.

You can regain healthy teeth and restore optimal oral function with general dental treatment and restoration of damaged teeth. prepared to offer guidance on the best oral health care for each individual.

The following is a list of services and their prices:

Root canal treatment - molar teeth

11,000 - 12,000 baht / tooth (in case of pus extraction + 2,000)

Root canal treatment - premolars

8,000 - 9,000 baht / tooth (in case of pus extraction + 2,000)

Root canal treatment - front teeth

6,500 – 7,000 baht / tooth (in case of pus extraction + 2,000)

Embedded tooth surgery

5,000 – 6,000 baht

Wisdom tooth surgery SR

3,500 – 4,500 baht

Tooth extraction Ext

900 – 1,500 baht

Temporary tooth filling

500 baht

Tooth filling

800 – 3,200 bath

Dental check-up / Sterile set

100 bath